Great Expectations at Christmas!



I’m really looking forward to Christmas! Hopefully you are too. Most people who celebrate Christmas look forward to some time off work, socialising with loved ones, nostalgic traditions, lovely presents and tasty food and drink. Wonderful! But let’s face it, even if everything is going well in life and your family gets along relatively harmoniously, spending so much time in close proximity with family can be stressful! And sometimes our patience can be pushed to the limit (or maybe that’s just me!) Although Christmas is traditionally one of our favourite times of the year, expectations can be so high for a ‘perfect Christmas’ that I thought I’d touch on some of the potential challenges.

Even if you love all your family members, family dynamics can be complex and family reunions have the potential to bring out a range of emotions. Getting caught up in trying to satisfy the various needs of different family members can be extremely stressful and may well be a battle you don’t win. If at any point over the Christmas period you feel things are getting fraught, it really is best to keep expectations hopeful but realistic. Try to stay grounded in that Christmas will hopefully contain wonderful moments, but may well also include moments that aren’t so wonderful. Just like the rest of our lives. At times, tensions may run high. Perhaps you can’t influence or change family dynamics much, but at least try to notice the effect family may be having on your emotions. Seeing it for what it is may help you to get some perspective on how you are feeling. If you feel stressed take some time out, breathe, and re-focus. Research shows that the most happiness at Christmas comes from focusing on family and spiritual experiences, rather than spending and consumption, so remember what’s important.

If you are alone this Christmas then I imagine it might be difficult for other reasons. If so, all I can say is please reach out to others if you can. I’ve had tough Christmases in my life before and it can be hard but you will get through it. The evenings will be getting lighter again soon and as with all things, this will pass. All there is left for me to say is that I sincerely hope you have a lovely Christmas and whatever is going on for you, you manage to find beautiful moments in amongst it all!

Love Dr Gemima x